November has been FULL ON and FELT GOOD! It’s been great to be back at work again! I cannot thank my wonderful clients enough for their patience, understanding and flexibility during the last couple of months. 

As well as tattooing full time and trying to manage an inbox that is quite frankly out of control, I also finished up my Pegasus Tote Bag project! Production began in October by Enviro Tote who are based in New Hampshire USA. The bags themselves are made from a heavyweight recycled cotton with the contrasting black woven handles. I’m so in love with them! I thought it would by fun to finish some bags with hand painted sparkles - and it was fun! For me at least! They are available to buy from my web store or at Sang Bleu Los Angeles. 

A couple of months ago, my dear friend Jay Rose asked me to do an interview with her for the website of her Toronto based studio, Delete After Death. It was published this month and below are some highlights:

Jay - What / who do you think are your main influences in your work these days?

Rachel - The tattoo artists I look up to the most are Jenna Bouma and Nathan Kostechko. Then in terms of what inspires me, I’d say nature, folklore and death. 

Jay - I found your work because you used to make amazing little stitch works, and not so little ones like your flash sheet you stitched. Lately over the past few years you’ve been creating amazing ceramics. How did you get into ceramics?

Rachel - I’ve always had a soft-spot for pottery - the smoothness of the glaze contrasting with the rougher texture of the raw ceramics, the weight of the piece in your hand, the tiny natural details of the speckles in the clay etc etc. That stuff really excites me! I think I’m just a very tactile person. I love how you can create practical objects - a bowl for example - that can completely transform a mundane moment into something that feels elevated. I started pottery because I wanted a slice of that action! I also have a bit of an issue with creating mass-produced merchandise - ethical reasons / environmental impact etc. For me, creating something completely by hand is so much more special and feels like an honest extension of me and my intention. I’m also a bit of an introvert, so making ceramics lets me be creative alone and helps me to re-charge from the energy exchange of tattooing clients.

Jay - Tattooing is an extremely emotional experience for a lot of people. What has been the most emotional experience you’ve had as a tattoo artist? 

Rachel - They sure can be! Most appointments are pretty straight forward and don’t involve tears, but there definitely are some that stand out in my memory for being a bit more emotional. Wether it’s a tattoo that’s in remembrance of a loved one who has passed, helping a client reclaim their body through a cover-up, or simply tattooing to help them feel happier about their outward appearance and to feel more like the person they want to be. Seeing their smile when they look in the mirror at the end of their appointment is my favorite part : ) Difficult to witness that moment now as we have to wear masks all the time.... : (

You can read the full interview here. We talk about starting out / apprenticeships / figuring out a style etc. 

As for new music to share this month, I just have one new band - Midwife. Their record ‘Forever’ is really good. I’ve also really enjoyed listening to The DIIV Podcast

Here’s some photos from the last month:

The day we found out Trump didn’t win the election! A rainbow appeared over City Hall and we sang Miley Cyrus ‘Party in the U.S.A’.

The day we found out Trump didn’t win the election! A rainbow appeared over City Hall and we sang Miley Cyrus ‘Party in the U.S.A’.

Glazing scorpion catchall dishes in my kitchen.

Glazing scorpion catchall dishes in my kitchen.

Magic moment! Mount Washington.

Magic moment! Mount Washington.

Phoebe, me, @rubymayquilter & Kit. Sang Bleu, DTLA. Photo by @clairevwalsh

Phoebe, me, @rubymayquilter & Kit. Sang Bleu, DTLA. Photo by @clairevwalsh

Colour! Paint! Sang Bleu, DTLA.

Colour! Paint! Sang Bleu, DTLA.

Painting tote bags! Sang Bleu, DTLA. Photo by @aimeeniazi

Painting tote bags! Sang Bleu, DTLA. Photo by @aimeeniazi

DTLA in the distance. View from a sunset hike at Ernest E. Debs Regional Park.

DTLA in the distance. View from a sunset hike at Ernest E. Debs Regional Park.

Happy to be back at work : ) Sang Bleu, DTLA.

Happy to be back at work : ) Sang Bleu, DTLA.

Fresh / healing / healed. Details of Jess’ giant leg tattoo! Finally finished!

Fresh / healing / healed. Details of Jess’ giant leg tattoo! Finally finished!

Me and baby Long Beach, CA. Photo by @isaverri

Me and baby Long Beach, CA. Photo by @isaverri


